Current members
Tung Le | Professor | Short CV | ORCID | GoogleScholar
Ngat Tran | Postdoc | ORCID
Thomas McLean | Postdoc | ORCID
Kirill Sukhoverkov | Postdoc | ORCID
Leah McPhillips | PhD student | ORCID
Jovana Kaljević | Postdoc | ORCID
Katie Johnson | RA | ORCID
Parul Pal | Postdoc | ORCID
Ollie Green | MSc student | ORCID
Emma Banks | Royal Commission 1851 fellow | ORCID
Past members
Maria Sindalovskaya | Rotation-project student (now PhD student with Yiliang Ding-JIC)
Chenxi Liu | Research Assistant (now PhD student in Lucy Wienert lab, Cambridge, UK)
Alejandro Carrion Sanabria | PhD student (now freelancer)
Oana-Elena Zaharia | Year-in-Industry student (now RA at Colorfix, Cambrigde)
Adam SB Jalal | PhD student (now postdoc in Dale Wigley lab at Imperial College London)
Ramakrishnan Karunakaran (or Kay Kay) | Research assistant (now scientist at Inspiralis, Norwich, UK)
Rebecca Lo | Postdoc (now trainee in the NHS-UK)
Giulia Gobbato | Rotation-project student (now PhD student with Charpentier lab-JIC-UK)
Roan Hulks | Summer research student (now RA at King's College London)
Rosaria Campilongo | Postdoc (now postdoc with Dr. Jacob Malone-JIC)
Elena Xiao Tan | Research assistant (now postdoc at Tsinghua University-China)
Rory Williams | Year-in-Industry undergraduate student
Nicolle Som | Postdoc (now RA with Prof. Mark Webber-QIB)
Valeriya Chugaeva | work-exprience student (now MSc student at the Weizmann Institute-Israel)
Anyarat Thanapipatsiri | Research assistant (now postdoc at Duke University-USA)